Annuity Financing
Future funds such as annuities or the payouts from structured settlements are the ultimate tease. They sit there as veritable goldmines for both personal and professional funds, yet only allow you gradual access to them over time.

Finance Your Present with the Help of Your Future Assets
Future funds such as annuities or the payouts from structured settlements are the ultimate tease. They sit there as veritable goldmines for both personal and professional funds, yet only allow you gradual access to them over time. This can be particularly maddening if you find yourself in dire need of such funds right now. Not to worry; our team here at the Bridgeway Capital Group can unlock those funds for you.
What Annuity Financing Allows You to Do
Through annuity financing, you sell either a portion or the full amount of your monthly payouts to us. You also have the option to sell the full amount of only a certain number of payments each year. All you need to do to take advantage of this program is to provide us with some basic information regarding your monthly payout structure. Our team will handle all of the rest. By securing the full value of these types of assets now, you allow yourself the opportunity to:
- Finance current personal and professional development projects
- Diversify your investment portfolio
- Better position your assets for transition to your heirs
Why continue to languish in financial troubles when the funds from your structured settlement or annuity can provide you with the relief that you need right now? With our help, you can enjoy the immediate full value of those funds to help to fulfill any of your current needs. Simply call today and speak with one of our financial experts to express your interest in our Annuity Financing Program.